A Speech Regarding The Benefits Of Volunteering

A Speech Regarding The Benefits Of Volunteering

 “Without Volunteers, We’d be a nation without a soul!”

I welcome the distinguished dignitaries on the dais, the Chief Guest, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Principal, Academic Directors, Correspondents, Coordinators, Teachers and my dear friends.

Hello everyone, I am Adil Sukumar of Class XI and I’m here to deliver a speech on the benefits of offering your time to volunteer.

But, hold on, because I promise you, it’s anything but boring! Volunteering is like a secret superpower that can transform your life in more ways than you can imagine.

Picture this : We’re stuck in the daily grind of school life, right? Class after class, homework piling up, and we’re just buried under books all day long. We’re just wishing for some adventure in our lives. Well guess what? Volunteering is the ultimate adventure that can add some serious spice to our lives!

First off, let’s talk about the feel good vibes. Helping others gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling that you can’t replicate anywhere else.

And you know what? It’s scientifically proven that Volunteering boosts our mood and reduces stress. So, forget about those cranky days before exams ; volunteering’s got your back!

Now, I know that time is precious, and we’re all busy bees but Volunteering can help you manage your time better! It forces us to plan & prioritise, and thats a skill we’ll need throughout our lives. It’s like levelling up in a video game but for real life achievements.

Oh and also, colleges and employers LOVE volunteers. It shows them that we’re not just book smart, but we’ve got heart too! Plus it opens doors to amazing opportunities and new connections.

Finally, think about the friendships and memories you’ll make! Volunteering brings together diverse people with a shared passion for making a difference. Those experiences can lead to lifelong friendships & unforgettable adventures.

When we live superficial lives, dedicated to serving ourselves, we are like surfers : riding the waves, but not seeing what is beneath them. We may satisfy our own needs and concerns by doing so, but we will never be truly fulfilled.

However, when we practise the simple act of volunteering, we become like divers ; we submerge ourselves underneath the turbulent waves to find a pleasure much deeper. That profound joy is only possible when one feels love to serve others.

So, my dear friends, let’s remove the monotony and embrace the thrill of volunteering.

It’s a win-win situation! You get to be a hero for others, boost your mood, and shine out in a crowd!

Let’s be the generation that changes the world, one volunteering adventure at a time!

Thank you & Have a good day!

Written & Spoken By Adil Sukumar


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